After mastering the book, one can try solving questions in this blog: (which is very useful). There are about 120 questions and it is worth reading. For all who wd plan to take the exam: "Only practical programming make someone a better programmer".
SAS Certified Base Programmer Credential for SAS 9
2 hours duration
70 multiple-choice questions
Must answer 46 correctly to pass
SAS Programming I: Essentials
Course Contents
Getting Started with SAS
overview of the SAS System
introduction to SAS programs
running SAS programs
mastering fundamental concepts
diagnosing and correcting syntax errors
exploring the SAS environment (self-study)
Getting Familiar with SAS Data Sets
Producing List Reports
getting started with the PRINT procedure
sequencing and grouping observations
identifying observations (self-study)
using special WHERE statement operators (self-study)
Enhancing Output
Creating SAS Data Sets
reading raw data files using column input and formatted input
examining data errors
assigning variable attributes
changing variable attributes (self-study)
reading Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (self-study)
Programming with the DATA Step
reading SAS data sets and creating variables
executing statements conditionally
dropping and keeping variables (self-study)
reading date fields from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (self-study)
Combining SAS Data Sets
Producing Summary Reports
introduction to summary reports
generating basic summary reports
using the REPORT procedure
creating reports using the TABULATE procedure (self-study)
Introduction to Graphics using SAS/GRAPH Software (Self-Study)
Additional Resources:-
Using SAS Enterprise Guide
creating the files needed for the course
understanding functional areas in SAS Enterprise Guide
naming a project
working with existing code
resizing windows in SAS Enterprise Guide
modifying code
executing SAS code
viewing SAS Enterprise Guide output
diagnosing and correcting syntax errors
reating SAS programs
accessing data sources with the LIBNAME statement
renaming a code node in the Process Flow window
submitting programs
saving projects
the Output Delivery System (ODS) and SAS Enterprise Guide
copying SAS programs within a project
Introduction to Graphics Using SAS Enterprise Guide
producing and modifying a vertical bar chart
producing and modifying a pie chart
producing a horizontal bar chart
producing a two-dimensional plot
SAS Programming II: Manipulating Data with the DATA Step
Course Contents
review of SAS basics
review of DATA step processing
review of displaying SAS data sets
working with existing SAS data sets
Controlling Input and Output
outputting multiple observations
writing to multiple SAS data sets
selecting variables and observations
writing to external files
Summarizing Data
Reading and Writing Different Types of Data
reading delimited raw data files
controlling when a record loads
reading hierarchical raw data files
Data Transformations
manipulating character variables
manipulating numeric variables
manipulating numeric variables based on dates
converting variable type
Processing Data Iteratively
Combining SAS Data Sets
Learning More
For further details: