Friday, January 25, 2019

Free Disk Space or Disk Space Usage

Below are some stats if a user wants to clean-up a specific directory.

df -k /path provides information on Free Disk Space. For example, it says 86% of allocation used.

du -k /path > usage_stats.txt provides stats of Disk Space Usage for a list of directory within a path

/path/test . du -ks * provides information on Disk Space Usage for the Main directories under /path/test

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Add unicode symbols to proc report pretext

protectspecialchars=off pretext="\tqdec\tx500 "

Optimize SAS Execution Time

In order to run sas programs like lb or supplb faster in unix, one can use -

sas92 –memsize 40G –sortsize 20G