- "When the ORRES is populated, the STAT (& REASND) remains blank. When the STAT (& REASND) is populated, the ORRES remains blank".
- "When both the raw dataset and the derived dataset names are same, the derived dataset repalce the raw dataset".
- "When two dataset's are merged & one of them have few missing usubjid's:- if a and b; condition is preferred to avoid blanks.
- "When TERM is missing, the derived dataset have blank values". Ex:- To drop observations without value:- if aeterm ne " "; condition is used.
- "When the derived dataset have both TERM and STAT:- if aeterm ne " " or aestat ne " "; condition is used".
- "When the result is not missing in raw dataset then ORRES=result, STRESC=ORRES and STRESN=STRESC(the numeric form of STRESC)". Usually ORRES & STRESC are displayed as "Y" / "N" instead of "Yes" / "No".
- "When the STRESC is "Y" / "N then STRESN is displayed as "blank" (rather than 1 / 2) ".
- "When END DATE is " " then ENRF="ONGOING"; Example: MH dataset".
- "When a PARTIAL DATE is present in a raw dataset, then the same is displayed in the derived dataset".
- "When a sequence number is assigned, it remains unique for all observations within a usubjid".
- When working on display of DAYS, Programmer's check for DAY:- not displayed as 0".
- When the variables in the SAS data set are not in a desired order then one of the following (ATTRIB, ARRAY, FORMAT, INFORMAT, LENGTH, RETAIN) is used before the SET statement to re-order it.
- When a split character is used in the listing/table programming then the same split character must be used in the proc report with a FLOW option. This flow option hold back the direct display of split chatacter "*" in the output.
- When the following warning is received in the log, the PROC PRINT option is removed from the program. "WARNING: Data too long for column "TEST"; truncated to 125 characters to fit."
- When an order is missing in the final dataset of a table and if the same order is being used in the proc report: - the row for which the order is missing will not be displayed.
- When different order numbers are given for the "result HEADER" and the "RESULT"(in listing/table) & if the same order variable is used in the break after statement (break after ord/ skip;) , there appears a blank line. To avoid this same order number is given for both the header and result.
Age (years)-> result header
blank line ------------
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